Monday, May 31, 2010

Safe and Sane Holiday

Happy Memorial Day! I wish everyone a safe and sane Holiday. How are you spending it? I have recently decided to quit all chemicals for a year! This includes alcohol, medicine and over the counter medicine, so my holiday will be sane.
I made this decision for a few reasons but the main reason is I am tired of the market world, that insist that we can not have fun without booze and we can not feel better if you don't take this drug. I know there is a need for some people to take medicine, I am however, a perfectly healthy woman who is able to be medication and alcohol free, so the other day I decided to do it.
After making the oath to do this for a year, (there was no formal oath, I just said I as going to do it.) I thought I would count how many advertisements I saw in one day for alcohol and drugs. To my great surprise, I counted 36 from the time I woke up until I went to bed, this is amazing to me. We are so conditioned to take pills or have a drink that it has become a life style. Oh I have a headache, I'll take a pill or ugh today has been so tough I deserve a drink. Not for this green bunny! I am just as guilty of this lifestyle as anyone else. I too have succumbed to quick and easy fixes, that don't really fix anything. IT IS NOW TIME TO RISE UP AND TAKE CONTROL OF MY OWN BUNNY BUTT! Little too dramatic? You get the point. So four days ago I stopped any over the counter meds. (Just a note, I am not on doctor prescribed meds, so if you want to do the same and stop chemical and you are under a doctors care, please consult your doctor first.)It's been a lot longer since I have had alcohol, and I on a mission to find other methods for curing what is bothering me. This also includes figuring out why I am feeling the way I feel. For an example, if I have a headache, why? Am I drinking enough water? Am I not working through what's bothering me? Do I need to exercise more? Am I talking to myself too much? This does not work with bruising, scrapes, and cuts. If I have to question those, I need to go back to my oath of no alcohol.
Don't think I have forgotten about finding homemade items for health and beauty, this too is included in my bunny project. On a final note, I think part of being healthy physically, is also mentally, for this I am going out and being of service to my community, exercising of some sort EVERY day, and meditation. The latter is a bit of a challenge for me. Let's get started on this wild ride.

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