Sunday, June 6, 2010


Good Morning!
Wow last day of the weekend! It always goes so fast. It's long run day! I have a month before my 5k and 6 weeks before my 10k! Run run run.
I have been busy as can be, but I love it! Busy means new opportunities to meet awesome people. This coming week looks as busy as last week. So I find it important to set some goals for myself in order to keep motivated.
Goal 1. run 10 les this week
Goal 2. get half through my training for work
Goal 3. make 3 new recipes for my article
goal 4. Spend some quality time with Mike

It 's not much of a list but it does motivate me. Anything over this is a bonus.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Good Morning Happy Gorgeous People!

Wow, it's Thursday already! How did that happen? This week seems like such a blur! But today is farmers market day! I love the farmers market, and all those yummy veggies! The farmers market could not have come at a better time, my article is due on Saturday and I have nothing in mind for a recipe, but I am always inspired by produce, but hey, who isn't?

It's a wonderful crisp day here in the mountains, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it, so it's a run and biking into town for errands day! Usually I would pick one or the other but it seems like a waste to be in a car. Okay it's really because I hate getting gas and the car is almost empty.

It's usually yoga class on Thursdays, but I have over booked my time today and something had to sacrificed. I have also given up cleaning the master bathroom, It as a tough call, but hey that's why I am the woman of the house.

With the mayhem of the day, there needs to be a reward for diligent attention to responsibilities and my sacrifices. What's a girl to do? Bath Bombs!

Bath Bombs
1 cup baking soda
1 cup citric acid, (found in most health food stores)
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup oil (like the chocolate scrub, what you have on hand)
4-6 drops of scented oil of your choice (I like vanilla, it drives the honey nuts!)
cupcake molds and cups
Mix ingredient together until it's a crumby dough. Pack in the cups and molds let dry for 24 hours and pop one of those babies in your next bath. Yummy! This and your chocolate scrub, you'll be your own dessert!

Have an awsome possum day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Good morning!

Happy morning to you all! Wow what a amazing morning! Let's get moving! I am is such a fantastic mood today! Being chemical free works for me. ( Dr. Seussed it up there.) The first couple of days with out OTC meds was hard. I had a headache for a few days. This might have been no caffeine, but I made it through and feeling fine as wine. ( Without wine.)
I know that working out and eating right can be really hard. So I always treat myself with a little something when I have reached my weekly goal. Yesterday was SHOES! I love heels, I found a great pair at a cute little store for $6!
I don't always buy shoes. My spouse refuses to move all his stuff out of the closet to make room for all the shoes I want, sheesh! Sometimes it's just a new nail polish,book, flower for my hair. It's just something that makes me feel pretty.
Pampering ourselves is a must, I tend to take care of others until I just freak out from the pressure, I am just learning I need to take a little time for me. Even if it's just to take a bath and read a bit. Just do it to recharge your batteries.
I believe if you can't put it in your body, don't put it on your body! Want a yummy treat for your skin? This is my favorite pampering treat.
Chocolate body scrub:
1/2 cup of sugar (not powder)
1/4 cup of oil (I use olive oil, but grape seed, almond, even canola will work)
2 T of cocoa powder.
Mix all the ingredients together, put goop in air tight container, this will keep for a month! Scrub a dub dub! What a way to treat yourself!
I am off for a run. Have an amazing blessed day!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Tuesday morning! What are your plans for this week? I am in a creative mood, and since I have no artistic talent, I will cook. New recipes! Wonder what I will come up with? Any suggestions?
This weeks is very active, I have meetings, luncheons,yoga class, town meetings, training, and a deadline for my article. Also Farmers market! I am not complaining, I realize I am very luck to have such an active life, but I think this week calls for some serious exercising for energy. Time to run my little bunny butt off!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Safe and Sane Holiday

Happy Memorial Day! I wish everyone a safe and sane Holiday. How are you spending it? I have recently decided to quit all chemicals for a year! This includes alcohol, medicine and over the counter medicine, so my holiday will be sane.
I made this decision for a few reasons but the main reason is I am tired of the market world, that insist that we can not have fun without booze and we can not feel better if you don't take this drug. I know there is a need for some people to take medicine, I am however, a perfectly healthy woman who is able to be medication and alcohol free, so the other day I decided to do it.
After making the oath to do this for a year, (there was no formal oath, I just said I as going to do it.) I thought I would count how many advertisements I saw in one day for alcohol and drugs. To my great surprise, I counted 36 from the time I woke up until I went to bed, this is amazing to me. We are so conditioned to take pills or have a drink that it has become a life style. Oh I have a headache, I'll take a pill or ugh today has been so tough I deserve a drink. Not for this green bunny! I am just as guilty of this lifestyle as anyone else. I too have succumbed to quick and easy fixes, that don't really fix anything. IT IS NOW TIME TO RISE UP AND TAKE CONTROL OF MY OWN BUNNY BUTT! Little too dramatic? You get the point. So four days ago I stopped any over the counter meds. (Just a note, I am not on doctor prescribed meds, so if you want to do the same and stop chemical and you are under a doctors care, please consult your doctor first.)It's been a lot longer since I have had alcohol, and I on a mission to find other methods for curing what is bothering me. This also includes figuring out why I am feeling the way I feel. For an example, if I have a headache, why? Am I drinking enough water? Am I not working through what's bothering me? Do I need to exercise more? Am I talking to myself too much? This does not work with bruising, scrapes, and cuts. If I have to question those, I need to go back to my oath of no alcohol.
Don't think I have forgotten about finding homemade items for health and beauty, this too is included in my bunny project. On a final note, I think part of being healthy physically, is also mentally, for this I am going out and being of service to my community, exercising of some sort EVERY day, and meditation. The latter is a bit of a challenge for me. Let's get started on this wild ride.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Here it is, my new article. I kind of like this one. I love the farmers market! There is nothing better than finding wonderful veggies some you know and better some you don't! I urge anyone lucky enough to have a farmers market near you, to make it part of your weekly routine, it will be well worth it, I promise, and if you don't like it than it really doesn't effect me. If you don't have one near you, make a special trip to one, I know your going to love.

Monday, May 24, 2010

10:30 am!

Here is what I tried so far! I had a healthy breakfast of berries and almond cream, yummo! Made a hair rinse of lime and kiwi, this by the way is the only way I will use kiwi! Blah, little fuzzy nasty thinks. And I am about to take a shower using chocolate sugar scrub!Did I post that recipe yet? Hmmmmm, aparnetly I have not found a recipe to help my memory. Oh well I will repost it tonight. It's soooo great. Off to a meeting at noon and I feel ready for it!