Thursday, June 3, 2010

Good Morning Happy Gorgeous People!

Wow, it's Thursday already! How did that happen? This week seems like such a blur! But today is farmers market day! I love the farmers market, and all those yummy veggies! The farmers market could not have come at a better time, my article is due on Saturday and I have nothing in mind for a recipe, but I am always inspired by produce, but hey, who isn't?

It's a wonderful crisp day here in the mountains, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it, so it's a run and biking into town for errands day! Usually I would pick one or the other but it seems like a waste to be in a car. Okay it's really because I hate getting gas and the car is almost empty.

It's usually yoga class on Thursdays, but I have over booked my time today and something had to sacrificed. I have also given up cleaning the master bathroom, It as a tough call, but hey that's why I am the woman of the house.

With the mayhem of the day, there needs to be a reward for diligent attention to responsibilities and my sacrifices. What's a girl to do? Bath Bombs!

Bath Bombs
1 cup baking soda
1 cup citric acid, (found in most health food stores)
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup oil (like the chocolate scrub, what you have on hand)
4-6 drops of scented oil of your choice (I like vanilla, it drives the honey nuts!)
cupcake molds and cups
Mix ingredient together until it's a crumby dough. Pack in the cups and molds let dry for 24 hours and pop one of those babies in your next bath. Yummy! This and your chocolate scrub, you'll be your own dessert!

Have an awsome possum day!

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